Sunday, March 13, 2011

Much Ado

I have been very busy the last few days. I remembered the "A Fair of the Arts" that takes place at the Farmer's Market each year and decided to apply for this year. BUT, it was too late. SO I emailed the director who told me that if I could get some pictures emailed and the application mailed by the next day, they would consider me! So I did.
I've been trying to get some things made for our Etsy website, too.
I've also been working on a resume and etceras for a position at IU and am applying for other positions that I've seen in the paper. Keep your fingers crossed! This is a very exciting time in my life, and I'm hoping to get some things going.
With that in mind, I'd better get back to work. I'm hoping to add some pictures of some of my work in the near future, so keep in touch.