Friday, July 15, 2011

I accomplished something!

Today was a good day. We had a class at Ivy Tech to go over the new reading program that they're implementing this fall. It's going to be very interesting. I love the new Internet program that can accompany the text. It's especially great because the quizzes will be graded immediately, and I won't have to grade them anymore!
This afternoon, I stayed at my daughter's apartment, so that her boyfriend could move their things while she was at work. He didn't have to unlock the door all the time, and I worked on reading things for my presentations in November. The sexting and cyberbullying information was expecially interesting. I have some more things to look up concerning laws and what we can do to prevent kids from ruining their lives with these ways of communication. Now, if we can just get parents to also control themselves!
I watched a new to me show last night: Dance Mom. I can't believe how those women acted on national television! I don't know if it's scripted, or not, but it's unbelievable how they behave. Just like the Toddlers in Tiaras. How can those women be so agressive and have such high expectations of their small children? No positive role models there.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I can't believe it's July already!

Wow! Time is sure flying by - and I'm not getting anything done!! For some reason, I've been especially tired lately, so I'm going for bloodwork Monday to see if there is anything missing from my blood. Sounds like fun.
Anyway, that's what's going on right now, and I will get busy as soon as I feel better. I HATE not working!