Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If anyone is out there, I'm now back!

I have been gone for a while - well, at least away from the computer! My computer crashed at the beginning of last month. Just when I needed to write two term papers for my final grade in my classes!! Then with all the other things that have been going on, I haven't had time to get the computer fixed.
My daughter's wedding was beautiful, if a little late. We had to wait about 10 minutes. My brother was bringing my mother and uncle, and it took mom a little longer to dress than she thought. Then, when they got to Ellettsville, he missed the turn and had to drive through Ellettsville and come back.
It was a beautiful wedding though. Jacob was the perfect ring bearer, and Devon loved being flower girl. Whenever she tossed the flowers, she would look over her shoulder to see where they landed.
The reception afterward was really good, too. All the girls were dancing - even Ella and Aiden. Matter of fact, Ella was still dancing when we were leaving the building. She konked out pretty shortly thereafter.
Well, the dog is staring at me, so I'd better close for now, and let him out. It's also after 11, and I need to get to bed. Til later.

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