Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time Goes So Quickly

Here it is Sunday evening. My daughter, her husband, and granddaughter have been here from Colorado since Wednesday afternoon. It looked like a long time when she arrived, but now there is only one full day left until they have to return. We always have so many plans, and we get about half of them done - maybe!
We went to the pumpkin patch today. I think everybody had a really nice time. The baby rode a pony and seemed to enjoy it. We then ate - the husband was hungry, so we went to the barn for food. Next came panning for gold (youngest daughter), and then we all went to the petting zoo. The rabbits didn't cooperate, and the chickens weren't cooped up, but other than that, the pigs were cute; my son-in-law couldn't resist them. Last year, he tickled the one that they had, and it squealed; this time, he wasn't so lucky.
We went on the hayride to the pumpkin patch - saw donkeys, buffalo, and long-horned cattle on the way to the patch. A little disappointing. The hot, hot summer had ruined the pumpkins, and they had to ship in pumpkins, so they were all sitting in the patch, nicely cut, waiting for us to "pick" them. Six huge ones cost $37. Talk about breaking the bank!
We took a short jaunt through the corn maze, but we began to feel a few drops and decided it was a good time to beat a retreat to the treat barn. It really began to pour while we were waiting there. The driver of the pumpkin train really beat it back for all the parents to come and pick up their rain-spotted little kiddies. Lots of fun!
The kids love to go, and I love to spend time with them, so it was a very enjoyable day. It was rather sad as both the little kids were visiting other people this weekend. Next year, though!

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