Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feeling Sad

Well, it's been a while since I last posted - probably a lifetime.
I'm a little sad today. Three months ago, my little Copper was killed by coyotes, and last Saturday, we found out that Callie, our yellow lab, is dying of cancer with only a few days to live.
This has been such a sad year.
My sister-in-law died suddenly on Easter Sunday. She had blood clot problems and one broke loose - that's all it takes. I really miss her and was looking forward to doing things with her this year. She was just starting quilting, something that I enjoy so much, and now she's gone.
Then, my Copper died, and I lost the one dog that I felt would protect us if anyone did enter the house. I just felt safer with him here.
Now, it's sweet Callie. We have taken her to the vet, and have surgery after surgery - all to no avail! She is sitting here next to me, breathing heavily, skin and bones, and I think back on all the wonderful years that we had together. She has been such a good dog. She certainly doesn't deserve this.

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