Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lions, and tigers, and bears

I wish it had been lions and tigers and bears! What it was, was C diff. I thought I was going to die - and was praying for that to happen!
When I went to Colorado to visit my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter, I was bitten by a spider on the next to last day that I was there. My cheek tingled every now and then, but I didn't touch it as school was supposed to start on Monday (we arrived very late Saturday evening). The next day when I awoke, there was a huge scab on my right cheek. It was sunken in and leatherly, so there wasn't much I could do. It was worse the next day, so on Tuesday evening after school, I went to Monroe Hospital where I was treated by a Korean doctor. He didn't know what it was but saw that it was infected, so he gave me an antibiotic to clear up the infection. That was the 17th of August. I took the medicine for 10 days, and the next day - Sunday, the 28th, I was sick. I think I had the flu 'cause my middle daughter had the same symptoms. I missed two days of school, went back to work, and by Friday afternoon, I was dead sick. I went home that afternoon - missing the last three classes, and went straight to bed and to sleep. I slept all of Saturday and was really sick. I told my daughter that if I wasn't feeling better by Sunday, I wanted her to take me to the ER. She came over in the afternoon, and I was a little sick, but better, so she went home. I had to call her in the middle of the night to take me to the ER. I was vomitting and had horrible diarrhea. They gave me some meds and rehydrated me and sent me home to bring back a sample.
When I took it back, it would be a while before they got the results. On Tuesday, they called: I had C diff. I was so sick by then that I was praying for death and making out my will. I would have texted my will to my son-in-law, but I was too sick. I missed the rest of the week, and Monday of the next week. I went back to work on Tuesday, but I wasn't really ready to go. It wasn't until Thursday, the 23rd that I finally felt like I was alive again! This has been really been the worst illness that I have ever had, and if I ever get it again, I don't know if I will make it.

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