Saturday, July 31, 2010

Missing my puppy

I can't believe how much I still miss my little puppy. He was just such a personality. One of my friends at Ivy Tech told me to get another dog, but that would be like replacing a child - it just wouldn't work.
I have started on my paper. It's beeni kind of difficult as I've been a little sick today. I also had to go shopping as we were totally out of food. I have to finish my paper by Friday; get the house in some kind of order, and fix some meals for Grandma. I've tried to get her to call Steve to see if he can come and spend a couple of nights with her, and she hasn't yet. I don't know what I'm going to do. I really need this vacation. Maybe a change of scenery will help me to be less sad. I certainly hope so. I just haven't felt like doing anything since Copper died, and this just can't go on. My ex stole so many years from me, and I would like to have some good, happy ones in the future - beginning now.
I hope my paper turns out well. I think I have good research, and it's a topic I feel very strongly about - dating violence and rape. I'm thinking that if it's good enough that I may forward it to some of the people at work. Rape prevention really needs to start much earlier that it does. Well, it actually doesn't as the majority of rape prevention programs target women, making them the victims. Many rapes have already been perpetrated before college age, and alcohol is a contributing factor - beginning at home as kids have to have someone older to give it to them.
Well, I'm not making much sense now. I'm really tired and still want to do a couple of other things before bed. I just hope I can sleep tonight. Last night was rough!

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