Monday, July 12, 2010

Time's a wastin'

Today went well. My morning class did fairly well. We were only able to get through two chapters, but they were rather difficult - and one was really long. I haven't graded their quizzes yet, but I bet that they didn't do as well on the pronoun quiz as they thought!
Why am I writing about my students? I guess because I haven't got a real life, so...
I'm down another couple of pounds, but I've been eating like crazy the past couple of days. I'd like to get down to where I go down a size, or two, so that it shows that I've lost weight!!!!!
I have to go to the doctor's sometime this week to have blood work done. She said at first that I didn't need to have blood work, but when the secretary called me this morning to tell me that my bone density is good, and my X-rays were okay, that the doctor was waiting on my bloodwork. But they didn't give me a paper for that! Anyway, the bloodwork will tell her more about whether I have rheumatoid arthritis, full-blown, or not.
It's so hot today. Last summer, it rained - a LOT - and was cold. This summer, it's rained - a LOT - and is sweltering. We didn't even need an airconditioner last year, and this year, we can hardly move with the heat, plus the air conditioner.
I have so much to get done! I need to write an outline for the paper that's due in three weeks. I need to write a syllabus for the class that I'm teaching this fall for Ivy Tech, and it's due for one class, and the outline is due for the other class on Sunday. Then, I have lesson plans for German and Spanish classes to do - in addition to writing quizzes, games, etc. for Bedford. I have tons of papers to grade! Then, there's a ton upon tons of stuff to do around the house - both my daughters' rooms need a lot of work, plus the living room needs a thorough cleaning, and the dining room - let's not talk about that. There's all kinds of papers, and games, and ..... they need to find homes in other rooms, so that the computers and printer can go in there.
After the house is given a good cleaning, then it's time to start on the garage. I'd like to be able to get the car in there. Then I wouldn't have to go down the front steps with my huge book bag, and all the other things that I carry around.
Well, I'd better stop my complaining and get busy. Homework for Teaching Psychology and lesson plans for German 2, here I come!!!!
I hope everyone had a great day. (I know tomorrow will be. I'm going school supplies shopping!! There's nothing more fun that paper products!)

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