Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another fun weekend

Another great weekend! I've worked a lot this weekend. I got the last two chapters of the German 1 lesson plans done, so now I can start on German 2. I also got a couple of stories copied for German 4 which I now need to clean up and get on another page, but that may have to wait until I get back to school.
Today I worked on reading for my paper, answering the people who responded to my post, and tried to get some ideas for my syllabus that we have to turn in this coming week! The syllabus is for a class that we might teach. Well, since I have to make a syllabus for the psychology class, that's what I'll do.
I have some papers to grade and grades to figure, but it's after 10, so I doubt if that will get done tonight.
Friday night, my daughter took me to her husband's band gig at Max's Pizza. It was really good. My brother and sister-in-law came over, and we had a good time. He's having a hip replaced on September 1st. I asked him if that wasn't the date that Germany invaded Poland, but he didn't know.
I guess I'd better try to grade some papers for tomorrow's class. My students are really great. I have a couple who have bad attendance. I will try to email them. There was an outage earlier today, and we couldn't get online.
Until later.

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