Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Great Day!

My son is getting his truck - without help from his father! Yeah! He's so excited, but he has to find his keys to Jada's car. He can't find them and locked them in her car.
I just watched part of one of my favorite movies - Meet Me in St. Louis! I forgot it was on, or I would have watched all of it. Ma and Pa Kettle is coming on now. I love that series. It's so funny. There are so many movies that I love - and TMC is playing a lot of them this summer.
Got a lot of lesson plans done this morning and will work on something like that now.
My middle daughter and I went shopping this afternoon. What would we do without Walmart? I'd like to find out! Prices have really gone up since the new store came in. With this recession going on, you'd think that they would try to help out people who are sinking. A lot has changed just in the past few years. Well, we did have a good time. Don't know what the oldest girl is doing. She hasn't called as much since she returned to Colorado. I really miss the weekly chats (not at the fireside - but I guess most of all of you might not remember those!). The youngest one is at a wedding. She bought her dress the other night. She got the one that didn't look as good on her - she didn't like the color of the one that was so good on her, but they do what they want when they're out on their "own." She'll return the charge card tomorrow!
Well, I'm tired, and thirsty, and have a lot to do, so it's me and the textbooks.
It'be been a nice day.

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