Friday, February 18, 2011

Another MARVELOUS Friday

It's finally Friday! I love the weekends. They are a time to rest and prepare for the next week. The good news is that I don't have to go out this weekend for groceries: the bad news is that I don't have enough money to buy groceries! My car's rear differential went out a couple of weeks ago, and I will say that it cost a pay check to repair! So the next few weeks, we are going to be living poor!
We are filling in the old swimming pool. The last people to put a liner in actually didn't do a very good job, and then our friendly neighbors are a very much to "help" themselves to things that they think we don't need! Anyway, when it is filled with a few feet of recyclables, we will put some topsoil on it and plant a garden. I'm thinking a few tomato plants and a butterfly garden with a small fish pond. Can't wait! Then I'm putting a canopy over the deck, and a "step" from the house to the deck. Deck furniture. Iced tea, a favorite book..... Heaven!
I'm also looking to getting my office fixed up and begin tutoring, speaking, and other things. It's so exciting getting an office, but I miss the kids that used to populate the rooms. Life does go on, but empty nest...? I just wish that we lived in a culture where all the generations live under one roof. Aah, now that would be the life. I know that they need to start their own lives, but it does get lonely at times, but it is now MY time, and hopefully I'll be able to use this time before I get too old!
I finally am building up the courage to study for my license in mental health counseling. I probably will take it sometime this summer, so keep your fingers crossed for me that I will find the time to study, be able to retain what I study, and pass the test to become a LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR!!
Keep me in your thoughts and/or prayers.

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