Tuesday, April 19, 2011

31 Days Until Graduation

The countdown is on! I'm rather excited but apprehensive. Nothing is lined up yet, and I'm nervous about that, but I'm worried about getting a full time job. I don't want to trade one wearying position for another. I've been told that if I'm offered a job to take it! But, I also have my name in for teaching at Mitchell for Vincennes, and I'd like to try some things on my own. I know it's crazy, but there are things that I've been wanting to do for years - but how much can you do for only 10 weeks out of the year and build up a business?!
I am really tired tonight. The electric company is driving us crazy. They are certainly a service. All they see are $$$$ signs.
It's been a busy past few weeks. I'm trying to get some things made for Rachel's web site and also getting things ready to open a store with things for older people. Exciting.
Also interested in tutoring as I do love to teach - just not where I am now. I'm so tired of always being wrong. At one point, I was even questioning whether it was possible that I was on the grassy knoll! Of course, I wasn't, but after a period of time when nothing that you do is right, you begin to question yourself.
Well, I am cutting this short as I need to do a few other things, but the countdown is on.

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