Saturday, June 4, 2011

Such a beautiful day

This is the first Saturday of June, and it is a beautiful one. My daughters and I went to the farmer's market this morning. I found some beautiful plants and vegetables. I also bought lunch for my mother and me - vegan cuisine. I don't think my mother realized it!
Yesterday was my last day at work. I don't think it's really "hit" me yet, as I did the same thing that I do every year at this time. Finish grades, clean up, and leave. When August comes, I will realize that it's actually over, and I'm not going back.
Right now, I am watching television - Haunted History - so fun!, and setting goals for the future. I have a ton of things to do before I can begin my "second" - or is it my "third" career, but I can plan and dream about what I hope to do. I am planning on creating web sites and other things to advertise on the Internet and placing ads in the paper. I've been through a lot, and I think I have a lot to share with others about coping with difficulties in life. If you need me, I am here. I will be your life coach.

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