Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Watching one of my favorite Without a Trace(s). One of the lines in the show is: How could this kid have so many enemies?  Because 75% of us would have followed the Nazi's.  Because it's easier to "kick a man when he's down." We follow the crowd AND do what's easiest.  It's difficult to stand up for a cause - especially when no one wants to hear.  One of the biggest sins that is committed is the sin of complacency.  We don't want to hear about the bad in the world.  It's just easier to go along with our own life and ignore the suffering in the next world, or the next block, or, next door.
I "enjoy" this episode because it demonstrates how kids can be so cruel to one another - both in person and through cyberbullying.  How everone wants to fit in, and how far they'll go in order to do so.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Interesting Day

We had an interesting day.  Luckily, nothing big, or bad, happened today. It was rather long as we (my mother and I) went to the doctor today - over an hour a piece!  She has to go back Friday afternoon, so I guess I'll be taking my computer and notes and be working on my presentation for November.  It's coming up shortly!  I still have to finish one and begin the other.  Taok about procrastination!  Actually, I haven't felt very well. I'm just hoping I'll be able to get up and go on the days they're due; both presentations are early - and in Indianapolis!! Maybe while I'm there, I'l stop by Tony Stewart's office and tell him what I think about Indiana teaching!!!
Back to the presentations: I need to get my texting one on a power point, get my notes done and on a power point, and PRACTICE!!!!!
I still can't get that last episode of Toddlers and Tiaras out of my mind.  The mother actually believed that she and her child were one. What a horrible life for that child.
Teen dating violence.  How it's changed over the years.  I know that kids are still violent - physically - with one another, but like bullying, it has expanded so greatly.  Now kids can threaten their "steady" by texting and over the Internet.  What a world.  Why do people have to be so mean to each other?  I just think it's so much easier to be nice to others than mean!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Whew! It's been a long time!

I haven't written for a while - I've been sick!  I don't know why I'm so tired all the time.  I guess it's the fibromyalgia.  Which is not good because I wanted to get started with life coaching, at the least and try to build up a client list. But, all I've done is sleep, get up, and rest.  I think I might be feeling a little better - just not much.
I have finally begun to work on my presentations on Teen Dating Violence and Texting, Sexting, and Cyberbullying.  I need to finish up my notes for the texting presentation and get dating violence one done.  Well, as Scarlet said, "After all, tomorrow is another day!"
I don't know why, but I love watching "Toddlers in Tiaras."  The show this past week was really revealing. I couldn't believe the woman who actually believed that she and her daughter were one in feeling about pageants! Most, no all, appear to believe that they are actually taking their children to pageants because the child enjoys them! At 2 weeks?! Come on?  These women need to get another hobby.  Maybe they should take up knitting.  I enjoy it!
Well, I'm glad to be back and hope to write more frequently.