Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

My little granddaughter came down to show us her costume (and get her candy!). She was very proud of her school (a 4 star), and her mother hopes that she can still attend it although they have moved to another county.
I need to move to another area of the country.  This state is literally killing me. The stress from all  the things they did to my kids and me during my divorce and child custody years.  Can you believe it took me 8 years to get custody of my children - and I scored the highest on the parenting test of anyone in this area.  Why does the court order tests and other things, and when the outcome differs from what they expect, they just ignore it?  How children suffer from this attitude!
And the time it takes for judges to make decisions! They either don't realize - more likely don't care - that the child's soul will shrivel and fade away.  What is a person without a soul? My son is a prime example of how the courts and their minions literally ruin children's lives. We believe adulthood begins at 18, a fraction of the rest of life, but the most formative years. These are the years when a child's morals and values are formed. By the time, we finally got judge #3 to listen to us, my son was nearly destroyed.

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