Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Visit

Just had a lovely visit from my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.  We spent a lot of time shopping, talking, going places, etc.  The big trip was to the pumpkin patch in southern Indiana.  The whole family usually goes. My middle daughter didn't go this time as she and her husband were attending a wedding in Chicago, so they were certainly missed!  Little Ella had a great time.  She rode the pony three times, played in a corn box (like a sand box), jumped once on the bouncy ride, went down a huge slide with her mother several times, and then went to the pumpkin patch via a hay ride where we picked our pumpkins - personally - from the patch.  Ella wanted to carry one of my little gourds, but it met its demise when she tripped on a vine.
Later that evening, we had a family reunion to celebrate Rachel's birthday.  Everyone was there but her twin brother, Ben., making the evening bittersweet.
The seven (almost) days that they were here flew by and now leaves a hole in my heart, but it won't be long before I'll be going to Colorado to help out when baby Aubrey arrives!

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