Monday, May 3, 2010

What a Day!

Yesterday started out so nicely. we went to my brother's and had the best maple syrup and waffles that I had ever tasted. We enjoyed the company - we were a small group as my daughter forgot, my son didn't come, and my youngest swears that we didn't tell her, so...

I had my mom, my uncle, and my dog in the car with me. We were about to leave when my nephew says, "Do you hear that?" My brother didn't hear it, but my nephew swore that he could hear something. The tire looked a little low, so they put the spare on it - it was also low, so I got everyone out of the house, and my brother took the donut over and aired it up and brought back a can of fix-a-flat. We piled back in the car after the tire was returned and started on our way.

We had just gotten onto the road when there was this horrible sound coming from the rear tire - the donut. I thought it was just the weird tire, so we kept on. By the time we made it out of the wilderness and onto the highway, it was smoking! So we pulled over, called my daughter to come get us, my son to let him know where we were, and my brother for a person who could fix the car. The moral of the story is: it took us nearly 4 hours to make a 30 minute trip. By the time we got home, I was just too tired to grade papers, so I still have a ton of work to do tonight!

We did have a good time although it was so quiet without Rhea Dawn. She wasn't loud, or anything - that's my younger brother - it's just that she's always talking and laughing. I can hear her asking my brother a question, nearly always beginning with "Stevie." Non of the rest could call him that - just her. She was very opinionated but always the first to laugh at herself if she made a mistake. This is a true gift. Most people never do anything wrong.

My brother had new chickens which my neice sent over to him, and he was thrilled. There's nothing like fresh eggs.

Today was okay. I had a very difficult time getting up: I was so tired after yesterday's little adventure in the rain and the muggy heat. Classes went fairly well: 4 had spelling quizzes, 1 did restaurant skits and ate the food that other students had brought in for extra credit, and the last class did modal auxiliary past participles. What fun!

I still need to begin my papers. Although I copied notes onto my laptop, I still needed to get started, but I find it difficult to write when we're at a family reunion and on the road.

I had to go to the doctor's today. My palms and fingers have been tingling off and on for a month, and for the past 4 - 5 days, they've been tingling almost constantly. The doctor at first thought it might be carpal tunnel or even anxiety as it began last month shortly after Rhea Dawn died. She thought that she should rule out other possibilities, so I'm to have blood work for thyroid, lupus, rheumathoid, and vitamin B deficiency. They tried to draw my blood today, but there was no blood to be had, so I'm supposed to drink and drink and go back tomorrow and try again! I wish I had my dad's veins!

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