Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Only 21 more days!!

I'm counting (anxiously) down the days until school's out. I'm really frustrated and annoyed with some of the little darlings. Someone defaced another student's extra credit today. I almost cried. It was just such a childish thing to do. I was so proud of this kid's work - he had drawn a life-sized outline of himself and labeled all the parts in German. I had planned on taking it home and hanging it in my office, but now I can't! It seems like the students get more immature each year.
I need to get my website completed and send out some newsletters and things to some daycares and other places around for my storytelling and things and also to some agencies for my speeches. Hope that things work out. I have studied a long time to get my counseling degree, so I'm hoping that this turn in my life will be a positive one.

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